Royal Victoria Yacht Club

Racing statistics for Tom Hakes (J) †

Sailing club Royal Victoria Yacht Club
Sail number 2380
Total races started 9
Total races finished 8
Total races started in 2024 9
Total races finished in 2024 8
Races won 0
Seconds 0
Thirds 0
Series wins and cups 0
Series seconds 0
Series thirds 0
Average points for races 10.556
Average points for races in 2024 10.556
Average points for last 9 races 10.556

Series and cup race placings ‡

Cups won

Graph of latest results *

Graph of latest racing results

Graph of yearly points averages **

Graph of points averages

Graph of number of top three positions (3rd, 2nd, 1st respectively)

Graph of top three positions
  • † Race results are for the 2016 season onwards.
  • ‡ Series results include unfinished series.
  • * Latest results on the right.
  • ** Number of races in brackets.
Racing results software by island webservices